Thursday, October 15, 2015


These last couple months have been crazy. Summertime feels so long ago, and honestly I wish I could go back to those days. I guess you could say I'm reminiscing.
But now I'm three weeks into my sophomore year and it's all coming so fast.

This isn't meant to sound depressing but these last couple weeks, surrounded with so many people around me, I've never felt lonelier. I miss my friends this summer. Friends I could go to and who could look into my heart and see what I was going through. I never thought I would say this, but I miss being raw and real with folks.
This summer was a season of fortitude for the things to come. It was a season of change, strength, and joy. It was also a time that I felt truly loved and known.

“Be still, and know that I am God."

I remember a sermon  this summer that talked about this verse ( Psalm 64:10) Fun fact about Stefani, this is one of my favorite verses, it's so simple and a constant reminder that in the middle of the chaos of life to just be still. As storms rage on I can let my cares go and rely on my creator.
And yet, I've forgotten this. I've forgotten to give all my cares to Him. So many times this month I've been at the end of my rope and somehow I have kept going. I've been both physically and mentally exhausted and yet, I wake up the next day and just keep going.
Life is busy. But honestly, when is it not?
This isn't a complaint but more of a realization that I have been living life. But not LIVING life. I miss this summer when I was seeking the Lord with all my heart. When my favorite part of my day was worshiping and digging into the word and fellowshipping.
But now I'm super deep into my school year and I've lost  that.
And I'm ready to get it back. You have to consciously choose Jesus.
It's not easy. But nothing easy is worth having.
The world tells you that when you're tired, or lonely or confused that you just have to stay busy. Fill your life, with friends, with stuff.
The truth?
At our deepest, lowest point, He's willing to draw you out of it. And not with stuff. Nope just Him.

Now it's time that I go back to the simplicity that started this blog in the first place.

Just Jesus and Me.

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