Tuesday, July 7, 2015

One day at at time:

Hey so I'm starting a blog, and since I'm pretty new at this I may make mistakes, but isn't that the fun part? Well... here goes, at this point I'm going to start sharing with any interested a little taste into my life. The only rule I have is that I want to be raw and real. There's no reason to sugarcoat anything at least I hope not. XD I'm simply a girl that has found Jesus, and every day is blown away by who he is and what he is teaching me. Am I new to the faith? That would be a big no, however as I have mentioned to a few of my friends, this past year has truly felt like a new awakening into who HE is and what he does for me..(which is unconditionally love me everyday). This past year has been one of the craziest times for me and now, looking back I am amazed ( and rightly so) at the very hand that God had in my life. Being the stubborn human that I am, it took stopping, and looking back to realize that. Someday I'll go more into detail into very instances that the Lord plucked me up, shook me a little (or so it seemed ) and pushed me in the right direction. This blog is to share with y'all what I'm learning and how my mind is being blown by the creator of the universe and the author of my life. These instances might be small and trifle or they may be big moments where I made a breakthrough. ( lots of cheering ) I hope that in any way I can encourage, motivate, and help others. If all else fails though, I hope that I at least can give you a chuckle at the awkward life of Stefani Meier and maybe prevent you from making a few mistakes as well. :) With that I want to leave you with a song that has really been touching my soul the last couple days. "Great are you Lord" - All Sons & Daughters - It's your breath in our lungs, So we pour out our Praise... to YOU only.

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